Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kitchen Remodel: End of Week 3

We ended our third week of the kitchen remodel. It was an easy week for me because I was working at the Agilent mother-ship in CA. What a treat to return home late Thursday night to a kitchen with nearly all the cabinets installed. All cabinets are officially in place. We're just waiting for the counter top template on Thursday. Once they have the template, we're expecting a 1 to 2 week wait for the installation. Then we're home free!

The amount of storage we now have is almost obscene. I guess we just didn't pay attention to how many cabinets we were squeezing into the space. Not a bad situation to be in but after living in the space limited Bay Area for five years, Doug and I have readily embraced the concept of less is more. Our hope is to stick with the "less is more" attitude throughout our lives!

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