Saturday, February 25, 2012

Everlasting Love

Grant insisted that his Monkey needed a "bath" right before nap-time. Which meant that Monkey wasn't available for their daily nap. Rather than nap alone, Grant chose to nap near his bathing Monkey!

It was quite an episode that now summarizes nicely!

Mustache Men

Ahhhh, they grow up so quickly!

100 Days of School Project

Morgan celebrated his 100th day of kindergarten on February 6th, 2012. He was asked to put together a presentation depicting 100. His choice was a bug with 100 legs. I'm very proud of "our" creation! The bug has 50 red legs and 50 brown legs. 50 + 50 = 100!

Included is a picture of Morgan and Grant posing by the bug which is displayed outside his classroom!