Sunday, February 22, 2009


Murphys Law: The day the old kitchen was destroyed, Morgan announced he wanted to make cupcakes. We had a temporary set-up but the one capability we were lacking was an oven. So I promised that we would make cupcakes as soon as the oven worked.

With a few weeks of planning I was able to do a little prep work. A Google search of kids/cupcakes gave me the frog cupcake idea. Not a bad outcome!

Kitchen Remodel: End of Week 6

Weeks 4 and 5 were pretty uneventful. The counter top templates were made on Thursday of week 4 then we just waited. Week 6 was busy though. The counter tops were installed on Monday Feb 16th. The plumbing was finished on Tuesday and the electrical was finished on Thursday. So we now have an almost finished, but functioning kitchen.

The tile arrrives Monday and will be set Tuesday/Wed. There was a problem with the dishwasher but a new one arrived Sat and will be installed Monday or Tuesday. Finish off some last minute lighting changes at the end by the desk and a few touch-ups and we're done. We should say good-bye to Claude the contractor by the end of the week. He did a great job and we plan on using him again and recommending him but it will be nice not talking with Claude on a daily basis.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Growing Belly: 24 Weeks

A snapshot of the bellies at 24 weeks. So far, only one belly appears to growing...guys have it so easy!

Kitchen Remodel: End of Week 3

We ended our third week of the kitchen remodel. It was an easy week for me because I was working at the Agilent mother-ship in CA. What a treat to return home late Thursday night to a kitchen with nearly all the cabinets installed. All cabinets are officially in place. We're just waiting for the counter top template on Thursday. Once they have the template, we're expecting a 1 to 2 week wait for the installation. Then we're home free!

The amount of storage we now have is almost obscene. I guess we just didn't pay attention to how many cabinets we were squeezing into the space. Not a bad situation to be in but after living in the space limited Bay Area for five years, Doug and I have readily embraced the concept of less is more. Our hope is to stick with the "less is more" attitude throughout our lives!