Monday, December 29, 2008

New Baby on the way

After much debate and discussion, Doug and I decided that we really did want to have another child. The key word being child. A new baby isn't what we are after but unfortunately that's how they arrive. At some point the desire for another child out-weighed the lack of desire for a new baby and we took the plunge. No turning back now. It's due to arrive the end of May. Those first few months (year???) will be a lot of work but we'll get through it. I've been on a holiday shut-down for work since Christmas Eve and it's been a very relaxing week so far. I keep reminding myself to enjoy the moment!

We've been a bit lax in telling people mainly because it just doesn't seem that monumental right now. With Morgan we knew life was changing in a big way (and it did) but we were really excited about it. Right now, we're just trying to not think about all the work that lays ahead. Once the belly starts growing bigger I'm sure we'll get more into it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Congratulations! Just bookmarked the blog site. Hope Morgan, Doug and yourself are having a wonderful holiday.

    Take care,

    The Sheehans
