Saturday, August 7, 2010

Riding the Bike

We call Morgan's new bike the grandma bike because it took the love of two grandmas to get it to Boulder. When Doug and Morgan started using "new" and "bike" in the same sentence, I started cruising Craigslist for a bigger bike. After three weeks of obsessively looking with no luck I expanded my search to grandparent locations. Morgan's new ride was located in KC. Grandma B picked it up and Grandma and Papa McCuen picked it up in early June when they were driving to Colorado.

It came with no training wheels and Doug was adamant that we were not going to put any on it. Morgan wasn't too into it at first because it was "wobbly". So we put the seat down low and made him walk/coast down the driveway. He "practiced" on the weekends and in the evenings when we got home. Wed of this week I commented that he was coasting so well he needed to start putting his feet on the pedals. Thursday morning we amazingly were ready and out the door early so Doug asked to see his coasting. He coasted down the driveway, into the cul-de-sac, and started pedaling! Friday evening he mastered an awesome skid stop. Starting is still a bit tricky but I'm sure he'll have it down soon. We're very proud and excited for him. Riding a bike is a whole new level of freedom.

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