Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's a Boy

Doug's desire to know the gender of the baby was greater than my desire not to know the gender of the baby, so we took a peek during the 20 week ultrasound. The boy parts were very obvious. My practical side is pleased, but I'm most happy to report that so far, it's a HEALTHY baby boy.

We did not come home with many decent pictures of the baby. He was facing my back which made the butt shot and checking the organs easy. His position made it not so easy to get a nice profile picture. Oh well, in a few short months, we'll have real pictures.

In the mean time, I'm feeling kicking from the inside. Morgan and Doug have yet to feel movement from the outside.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! We are so happy for you! I'm sure Morgan is going to love having a baby brother. : )
    -The Sheehans
