Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Pearl Street Mile

Well, they actually just ran a half mile, but they still get to sport the t-shirt saying Pearl Street Mile!

I was in town for this one and it was a fun evening.  Morgan and Grant both ran along with neighbors Megan, Andrew, and their mom/my running buddy Patty.

Before the kids race, there was a mascot ran.  In theory it would have been fun except Grant is massively afraid of "dudes in costumes"  (a quote from Morgan).  Scooby Doo wasn't that scary because Grant could see the guys real face and that was a good thing because Scooby ran the half mile with me and Grant!

Both kids took second in their age group.  If you check the results on the website it looks like Grant really smoked his age group and Morgan was super slow.   That was just me mixing up their numbers.....tired, working mom moment!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Random Shots of the the Kids

West End 3K

I signed Morgan up for the West End 3k (1.5k for the kids).  I even convinced my neighbor and running buddy Patty to sign herself and her daughter up.  Then I realized that I would be working in CA the day of the event!  No worries!  Patty helped me out by picking up the race packets and Doug stepped up to the plate and made it all happen.  Doug even let Grant convince him that he NEEDED to run with his brother.

It was a fun evening and a great race for everyone!  The Pearl Street Mile (1/2 mile for the kids) is Aug 9th.  Both boys are now signed up and as well as Megan and her brother Andrew.  This time I'll be in town and I can't wait to see the fun!