Sunday, April 15, 2012

Morgan's Sixth Birthday

I know I sound like a broken record, but I'll say it anyway.....I can't believe he's six years old!

He had a great birthday. He got a new bike with a hand brake and gears. We gave it to him, he road down the driveway, and promptly crashed! Too busy dealing with the new gears and brake. He was back on the horse the next day though!

Grandma and Grandpa B were in town for his actual birthday. They made cookies with him to take to his class and they picked him up after kindergarten and took him to lunch to celebrate! He loved getting to leave after kindergarten rather than staying for Kindergarten enrichment and Y after-care.

There was another celebration on Easter with the neighbors. Tannis produced one of her amazing cakes. This year's was, at Morgan's request, an archery themed bulls-eye.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Grant: April 2012

It was picture day for Morgan's soccer team and Grant wanted his picture taken too. I was more than happy to oblige!

Easter 2012

The Easter Bunny teamed Morgan and Grant up with neighbors Chay and Koda for a scavenger hunt. They ran through the cul-de-sac seeking the clues/prizes and eventually found the Easter Basket jack-pot under the Sampson's front porch!

We all had a good time!

That bunny most of have been worn out after planning that hunt though!

Neighorhood Ninjas

Two white boys are practicing their kung foo moves!

Morgan's been asking to take Karate lessons for over a year and I think we're finally going to make it happen this summer. More to come on this subject.